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Wyndham Park Nursery School

The School Day

The School Day 

We have three nursery classes. Our 2 year old class is called 'The Explorers', our Rising 3s class is called 'The Investigators' and our 3 and 4 year old class is called 'The Adventurers'.

The core learning times are made up of the following sessions:

8.30-11.30am - Morning Session (3 Hours)

8.30-2.30pm - Full Day (6 Hours - packed lunch needed)

In addition, we also offer breakfast sessions (7.30-8.30am) and an after school club (until 6pm). This means you can build a bespoke timetable for your child around session times that suit you. 

We are able to take funded and fee paying 2-year-olds, and have 15 and 30 hour places for 3 and 4-year-olds with no additional charge. If you need more hours than your funding provides you can add extra sessions for £6 per hour.

A Typical Nursery Session

There is no such thing as a typical day in Nursery.

We respond to the children’s needs and interests so that every day looks different.

We try and keep a rhythm to the day so that children have a mixture of whole class, small group and independent learning times.

Learning takes place both inside and outside every day, so it is important that children come suitably dressed.

The format and structure of the day also changes over the course of the school year because what is appropriate for two-year-olds in their first term at Nursery School is very different to the needs of a four-year-old we are helping to get primary school ready.

The provision in the classrooms will also alter to reflect the needs of the children. Therefore, the appearance of the classroom will alter over the course of the year.