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Wyndham Park Nursery School

Tap the Magic Tree!

The morning children in Blue Class have been using a book called "Tap the Magic Tree" to learn about the seasons. They have been focussing on Autumn this week.

The class had a bare tree in the room. They looked closely at the pictures of the autumn tree in the book and decided they needed to make some colourful leaves to decorate their own.

They used their fine motor skills to carefully draw around some leaf stencils and then used the scissors to cut out their leaves. They decorated their autumn leaves with red, gold, yellow and orange pens and sequins. Each leaf was then added to the bare tree to transform it into a beautiful autumn tree!

On one of the tables, they had a wooden frame with a large twig inside and bowls of items to use to decorate it. They used red, yellow and orange leaves, buttons and sequins to make beautiful collages.

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