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Wyndham Park Nursery School


At Wyndham Park Nursery School we are committed to keeping children safe.

The welfare of every child we look after is paramount and everyone (including all staff, students, volunteers and visitors) has a responsibility to ensure that any areas of concern involving a child who may be at risk of harm, are recognised and dealt with immediately. 

As a school, we have a moral duty of care to ensure that any concerns or incidents of suspected abuse or harm are reported to Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) without delay. 

Parents will be notified of all concerns and referrals unless we are advised differently by LSCP. 

Please see our Safeguarding Policy for further information.

If you are worried about your child or any other children then please come in and speak to us straight away or contact Lincolnshire Children Safeguarding Board on 01522 782111.

If you have any safeguarding concerns about children you can talk to:

Holly Stock-Cheekooree   -  Designated Safeguarding Lead

Laura Cook -  Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Penny Fox    -  Deputy Safeguarding Lead

 There is some information below that may help you talk about keeping safe with your child.  

The NSPCC are running a PANTS campaign, there is a book for parents, for children and also the booklet is available for autistic children, children with additional needs and in Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian.

Please see the attachment below for our Parent Information leaflet about the Prevent Strategy.